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7 months ago
“Dear audience, welcome to [Dreadful Radio Game], hope you enjoy our company. Okay, now, let’s turn... Read more “Dear audience, welcome to [Dreadful Radio Game], hope you enjoy our company. Okay, now, let’s turn around and check behind you. Is there a smiling face looking at you?”A recommended Qidian novel, written by Innocent Dragonet.Will you survive such a system? Can you live through all these horrible encounters? Are you ready for a world of murders, zombies, suspense, and darkness? What happens if a psychopath killer comes across ghosts? Collapse Antihero Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Depictions of Cruelty, Episodic, Game Elements, Ghosts, Gore, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Murders, Near-Death Experience, Psychopaths, Ruthless Protagonist, Strong to Stronger, Survival Game, Torture, Twisted Personality, Unlimited Flow, Vampires, Zombies Literally every character in the radio game (except maybe one, I don’t know yet) betrays the mc somehow to the point betraying eachother is normal. Good thing the mc is a psychopath who is petty and would rather get revenge and suffer from it than leave the betrayer alone Pretty good horror novel, the mc is a complete psychopath, as he kills who he wants to. The other side characters are also interesting and their relationship with the mc is usually one of interests and there’s nice comedic scenes too. This novel has a lot of stuff of about China and it gets confusing easily but it’s a good read but translation has stopped. will the translation ever continue? Non-gay Chinese horror story. Probably not at the level of House of Horrors but I’ll give it a shot I liked it, Rank B for readers who like horror, Rank C for normal readers