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5 months ago
Tired of one bad choice in the personalization of his trait, Kaye, now Kai, logically planned his... Read more Tired of one bad choice in the personalization of his trait, Kaye, now Kai, logically planned his suicide for a better chance of reincarnation to get rid of the curse that his trait had almost become. Now, Kai is in a world where people breathe fire and fart thunder!***Warning: I’m still playing with the idea of a female and submissive Orochimaru and if you don’t think fem Orochi is a waifu with a long tongue and a quirk of swallowing things then… welp.The harem and r18 stuff will happen later because I generally write them after developing a few things but the work is at a fast pace in the terms of mc’s strength and growth.Slight AU. Collapse Accelerated Growth, Based on an Anime, Beautiful Female Lead, Bickering Couple, Bloodlines, Crazy Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Master-Servant Relationship, Ninjas, Perverted Protagonist, Playful Protagonist, Shameless Protagonist, Transported into Another World, Fanfiction, Naruto As of chapter 96.The only thing this really has in common with Naruto is, well, nouns. The author uses the "world" and "names", but basically changes everything. Not that this is bad or anything, but anyone wanting a fanfic that tries to at least stay true in some regard to the canon, will want to pass on this.If your here for the battles, don't be, they all suck. The authors changes to the power system are trash. The Naruto Manga's power system was always mediocre imo(mainly in the later part), but the changes the author did here, make it an absolute dumpster fire.Like other Naruto fanfics, the author tries to enhance the "political" and "dark" side of the Narutoverse, not doing anything all that different from them, and it's all pretty lame honestly.The characters, well, robots. Best I can say, they all feel the same. MC is basically a machine.The smut, doesn't exist in the chapters I've read so far, chapter 95, is when it starts but that's the "losing virginity" chapter and it's nothing special.Conclusion - I give it a 2 for effort. It you want a Naruto fanfic that includes or is focused heavily on smut, In Naruto: Reborn with Talent or Eroninja are both vastly superior to this novel. awesome rare sincere review Kid mc = instant drop That's such a sad reason to drop off... Qyingying wouldn't like "Goddess of Ice - Reborn as Naruto's Twin Sister" then... LMFAO currently at: ch. 52it's not bad.information is sometimes excessively repeated to the extent of irritation.a number of (in my opinion) unnecessary sentences are also present in each chapter. it seems like the needless repetitions and the like are there for word count... sigh. the characters almost all seem to have the same personality as they almost all sound and act the same.some characters have been perverted to irking degrees, while others are just completely different from what individuals who have watched naruto would be familiar with - and it can be really irritating in certain instances.the story itself isn't bad, there's just too many things in each chapter that seem to be doing their utmost best to kill any sense of immersion a reader might get. if you've seen/ read naruto, i urge that you see this novel as an entirely different thing with similar names and ideas to naruto. if you haven't seen/ read it, then good for you. 2.5/5give it a try. It was superb at the start but the storyline is starting to lag and the butterfly effect due to the involvement of the mc hits us in the face like someone who farted after eating a burrito. The good points of the story are the power progression and the way the characters are more prioritized. And my thoughts about female orochimaru is its the authors fanfic and he can do whatever he wants i'm just going with the flow since this fanfic is one of the good ones out there. The grammars great without repetion of phrases. The man has done good research on naruto and has changed the plot with reasonable reasons[such as using the thought processes of the mc]. Thats all i got to say and whoever's finished reading this thank u for your patience This fanfic is really worth to read The man must’ve a grim childhood to make orochimaru as girl, and fantasizing it. It would have been better if you are fantasizing tsuyu asui from bnha with the long tounge fetish, at least it is a woman No. Nvm then.. who wanted to see Orochimaru sucking dicks O MC e masculino ou feminino? Its a boy (so far still young). Warning: I’m still playing with the idea of a female and submissive Orochimaru and if you don’t think fem Orochi is a waifu with a long tongue and a quirk of swallowing things then… welp.oh hell nah! there's no way i would read this shit. i cant even imagine Orochimaru being a girl bro wtf Is it bad i am kinda interested in orochi with HER long tongue Heyy riprocks It's ironic considering in the actual anime... there was a moment in the main series where he occupied the body of a woman... Not to mention looking like one in Boruto LMFAO