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7 months ago
Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-X is a humanoid that calls himself “Zhang Jue” and... Read more Object Class: KeterDescription: SCP-X is a humanoid that calls himself “Zhang Jue” and came from a parallel universe with traits that are unaffected by most SCP anomalous objects.Long-term observational studies reveal that he has a mildly antisocial personality and loves to tr*sh-talk.SCP-X can obtain the ability of a particular SCP anomalous object through physical contact, and the ability obtained will be adjusted accordingly to his condition.Special Containment Procedures:Special attention needs to be paid to the containment of SCP-X. (Special precautions towards themself)SCP-X should be contained in a single villa designed by a French designer, not less than 50 x 50 x 20 meters, with a garden on the top floor and a swimming pool with no less than 200 square meters in the courtyard.The Foundation shall assign a male staff member over 50 years of age, trained in British royal etiquette, who shall wear a wig 24 hours a day to assist in the management of the villa.The staff monitoring the SCP-X behavior must undergo a monthly psychological evaluation. There have been cases where staff had quit the Foundation because they could not stand the tr*sh talk. Collapse Ability Steal, Amnesia, Apocalypse, Cheats, Confident Protagonist, Early Romance, Fanfiction, Gods, Hiding True Abilities, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Multiple Timelines, Mysterious Past, Overpowered Protagonist, Parallel Worlds, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Secret Organizations, Souls, Strong to Stronger, Time Paradox, Time Travel, World Travel Неизвестная аномалия, которая может разгуливать и наблюдать за экспериментами, не находится под стражей, п****т персонал, становится советником? ЛолПерсонал не контролирует свои эмоции, спорит с аномалией и даёт ей доступ к другим аномалиям?Процедура сдерживание не проведена при появлении новой аномалии, эксперименты не произведеныВаш фонд сломан, несите другой. 1/5 As both a Fanfiction enjoyer(I've read thousands of them and have thousands of hours reading them) and as a SCP enjoyer I'm depressed this is a thing, when writing a story with an organisation with the global influence of the foundation you gotta treat it with some respect this author is literally shitting on the entirety of the foundation, sure it's a fanfic but come one man he's obviously read countless entries on the wiki and this guy decides to downplay the power and influence of the foundation for jacking off his self insert? Just another Mary Sue SI power fantasy your mother I've read the first 3 chapters and I gotta say this is not a bad story the only complaint I have right now is that the SCP-Foundation i completely different than described in the wiki. In first few chapters a reasercher makes a bet with the MC, that's something someone from the SCP-Foundation would never do. Another thing is that a niece of the Site-Director has power on the site, which is an absolute no-go, especially when we're talking about a site with SCP-682 in it. So all in all probably good story, but horrendous adaptation from the source. Well, I don't really think you're completely right. There have often been incidents in the SCP Foundation that cannot be called official or honest. Very often someone passed someone, even more often killed, somewhere there were cases of narcissism, and somewhere there were precedents like our case. What happened in the first chapters seems to me to be a normal reaction. Imagine yourself in her shoes: SpoilerYou're the head of the department, the boss of all those people, and you treat them like family. As a result, you see how your people are killed by a rabid lizard! You're going to panic. And that's not much said. What do you do if, in such a dangerous situation, you meet a guy who claims to be able to save your people to whom you are attached? Obviously, even despite the risk of loss, you will agree to all his requests and words. And even more so, the situation was already terribly disgusting, so she thought that it could almost not be worse. After all this, she even almost had a nervous breakdown when she saw all those dead bodies of her acquaintances, but she held back just because of her role as a boss. It's incredibly coolly described between the lines. So... I think it works very logically. And throughout the book, we are even shown her moral and spiritual growth as a person that I was happy to see. "read 3 chapters" thats all we needed to know. geT It's not about 3 chapters. It's about fanfic not following original. It's like making some One Piece fanfic but in first 3 chapters the world is described as 1 huge continent with no water except for a few lakes. And when you comment that it doesn't make sense some guy says something like "read 3 chapters" thats all we needed to know. geTHe didn't read 3 chapters. He read 3 chapters + SCP wiki. Maybe read what they have said before trying to discredit their opinion? Reading? SMH Not to sound offensive to the bottom commenters but... in the nicest way I can put it, you're all very critical of a fanfiction, I repeat, a fanfiction. One of the commenters below even wrote 3 full paragraphs about how unrealistic it is, bruh, it's a fanfiction. Plus, who knows if SCP-X has a special ability geared towards trash talk? Novels are not things that are bound by logic, fanfiction even more so. Also, isn't the entire SCP concept itself unrealistic? An organization capable of toppling countries is somehow not a major target for those countries? How, somehow, even if they know they just... trust them? If an organization like that existed in real life the first thing they would encounter would be a bombardment of nukes from countries all over the world. Like seriously? Putting every single monster/demon like thing in one place? Hell freezing would yield an easier to accept result. But most people don't care, why? Cuz it's cool to think about. I understand critiquing a novel for it's writing, and stuff like that, but this is just a fanfiction. Give the author some slack man. Sorry for the rant, thanks if you've spent time reading it. Bro, I agree in total. Books are a medium of thought, and aren’t always meant to be serious or even taken as source… I think the problem is that SCP has such a cult following that people forget it too isn’t real. And that even if authors wrote from the source as God, they still would have complaints. Human nature friend. No offence but imagine your favorite universe getting a fanfic totally different to the original.I wonder how you would respond? I will experience a totally different side of fanfic This Novel Is Very Good...But My Brain Cannot Contain SCP....After Googling What It Means Am Even More Confused...This Novel Is For Those Who Understand Those Kinds Of Things.... #A Solid 8/10 There is a wiki that contains entries from the SCP-Foundation, these entries describe supernatural things. The Foundation seeks to contain/neutralise these SCPs.All of these entries are written by fans on the wiki and are completely fictional. Or are they real? conspiracy.... Is there romance SpoilerIn fact, it seems to be... But not so much. It's not noticeable at all yet, to be honest. The staff monitoring the SCP-X behavior must undergo a monthly psychological evaluation. There have been cases where staff had quit the Foundation because they could not stand the tr*sh talk.My face when a global organisation with the sole purpose of keeping humanity alive and safe from anomalies can't hire staff members with the emotional maturity to handle trash talk from a being they are meant to keep hidden and imprisoned, it's not as if the scp foundation would have extremely strict hiring process and would have multiple background and personality tests and further training in the advent of any situation like any group or organisation that has to deal with catastrophic damage(Read Nuclear reactor staff members who are taught the solution and precautionary measures in order for things such as a meltdown not to occur or stop said meltdown),Then those fully checked and prepared staff members quitting, not asking for a reassigned position, straight quitting this global organisation with enough power and resources to restart all of humanity at any moment? Yeah as if the Scp foundation would let it's members quit without that person's memories being wiped of all knowledge relating to anomalies, the scp foundation and anything they'd learnt while working there otherwise they pose a humungous threat to their most important mission and goals... Stupid idiotic and not at all realistic to the scp foundation and the members that would be employed there you have high expectation for the organisation. also this part of the scp-foundation site, i have put inspoler, the heading is in boldWhy is Everything Contradictory?Spoiler To reach over ten thousand articles onsite, we had to let go of the idea of a singular "canon", meaning that every article on the site is allowed to contradict and disregard any other article, no matter how well known or popular. Did someone say the Foundation was formed in the 1960s, but you need the Foundation to exist in WWI? The Foundation is now from the 19th century, sure. You want a Foundation that has more resources than the eye can see? Go wild. You want a Foundation that's penniless? Why not! As long as the story is interesting, your freedom is basically unlimited.While this is often phrased as "there is no canon", this doesn't mean that nothing on the site can coexist - many articles can share the same universe, and some explicitly reference each other. It just means that you don't have to try to fit everything into a singular version of the Foundation. I would like to in the most polite way tell you to shut the f#ck up and and point out to you that this is a fan fiction and that scp in the first place doesn't make sense and is very confusing with there being many contradictions in the lore and it having several alternate and parallel universe's I read in full everything that was translated and posted here. Obviously I haven't read it to the end yet, but... Damn, it's a really good job no matter who says it. I was especially drawn to the plot. In the beginning, in the earliest chapters, it may seem banal, but later it will become a huge mystery, with a bunch of small forks in the plot. Even I wasn't expecting such a good story when I first started reading it. In short, I'm very happy that I decided to read this. I advise this work to others as well. Chapter 205 is particularly good. I got goosebumps because of this chapter... What is SCP? The SCP Foundation is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative writing wiki project of the same name, with the abbreviation standing for "Special Containment Procedures".Check out the SCP foundation website. Its really creepy and interesting. If u want a more friendly approach or a summary just go to youtube. Well... it's easier to understand at least. While I love SCP, this doesn't seem like a good SCP story just from the summary. It's not a great scp story but it's a good story with scps