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7 months ago
After Reincarnating into Naruto World at the Warring State Era as an Uzumaki, Masahiko thought that... Read more After Reincarnating into Naruto World at the Warring State Era as an Uzumaki, Masahiko thought that he got a useless System. He lived for 48 years as a normal, below average Uzumaki Shinobi.That changed when he finally knew how the system works the day of his 49th Birthday! Collapse Age Regression, Appearance Different from Actual Age, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Clan Building, Death of Loved Ones, Elderly Protagonist, Fanfiction, Fast Learner, Game Elements, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Kingdom Building, Level System, Male Protagonist, Master-Disciple Relationship, Ninjas, Overpowered Protagonist, Parody, Reincarnated in Another World, Resurrection, Sculptors, Sudden Strength Gain, Time Skip, Trickster, Wars, Weak to Strong honest review, tried my best to trudge but cant make it past 300chp. this novels prob meant for ppl under 13So I gave this dubious novel a try. Everyone else mustve read the raws or such like, because i find exhausting and frustrating to read through. First 50chapters you start to realize MC acts like hes trying act in front of nonexistence audience. ex is during a serious talk with hokage he will literally make a 21st century reference while obviously knowing they wont understand him.. MC is in an advanced age but he still seek attention like a child. wastes time prepping for a joke while a village was slaughtered, making transform noises and dance to describe robots to make transformers [doesnt sound bad until you realize hes giving ideas to enemy village which resulted in a direct wipe of a friendly squad due to advanced robotic upgrades of enemy weaponry]. forced his neice to be a rogue ninja and left her out. learns early teen educations such as actions have consequences at age 90. Yes you can tell MC doesnt really do anything but tai chi in the morning, bothers anyone else rest of the day, near the end he check his status screens. limited resource stat points was also put into crap like shogi,...The narrator then tries to explain his down syndromes, excuses, and plot armor for this useless old otaku so we readers can stomache him in bite sizes. in other words narrator babysits the totally distasteful and offputting manchild stretching his strutt. not sure why so many ppl like to see a overgrown man play the fool to rate this at all. whole books about how the village including readers will put up with a cringy, unmotivated, nogoals, larping he even abandons his own daughter and got ntr,oh he also gets strong out of nowhere in a sudden chapters once in awhile as spontaneous and late as this sentence. just so the book have something to read about. You are supposed to use [ ] instead of < > sry, it was a sarcastic fake spoiler. as i really didnt spoil anything. but thanks for the heads up anyway. I was just pre reading comments didn't even move on start the book, so I had no idea This is a very good novel. I started out hating it but later realized its only because the starting time period was long before the start of the OG plot. Give it a try, MC doesnt mind meddling in plot which result in a completly new story in the later chapters. Its great if you're bored of the same naruto fanfic repeating the same story with slight twsit.Author have great writing style, A perfect blend of comedy and story building and realistic character interaction. I have to say in the later chapters I have grown attached to this version of the characters which rarely happens with fanfics. I just hope, you'll give it time without judging it too early. Was good. I recommend. Many funny and OP moments. Mc doesn’t have a love interest mostly cuz he worked hard to get op all his life and when he got time to think about love he was already too old and all the attractive girls were young enough to be his grandchildren xDD that’s why he stays reluctant to even pursue anyone anymore. Mega sad. Just read 'the last prayer' if your looking for a naruto ff. Naruto isn't any less retarded in that. But it has exceptional writing and fluent grammar. Ya it also has lemons Bastante bueno, el protagonista me agrada y que no se metan mucho con la trama y ande a su royo mejor, ademas me gusta el mc ya que no es un mc antiheroe como los que abundan en las novelas actuales los cuales de antiheroes tienen poco.Es una novela divertida y sensilla perfecta para quien esta cansado de tanto mc frio arrogante y sobre todo op, esta novela es un isekai shonen y fanfiction los cuales se combinan muy bien.Si buscas un fanfic con un mc badas sobrebalorado, cachondo y con harem gigante esta novela no es para ti definitivamente, mejor bete a otro lugar a leer a tu personaje overlor y deja empaz esta novela. funny enough that mc fights madara when he is a "simple jonin"i really cant understand the force logic of wind beating fire (nah really have you ever watched the anime series or managa i mean not even considering b***to_which is fked up_ in shippuden you see elements explained multiple times ) i could accept water and earth but wind thunder and fire are explained in details (naruto and sasuke elements) i cant accept it what? wind beat fire? hek no, wind would feed fire. I hope you'll give this book a chance, those are the very first few chapters and author havn't found his footing yet, if you just it a few more chatper it'll keep getting better, this really is one of the best naruto ff I've read so far. ye, ill give it an honest try. lol, someone doesnt want me to. It's very terrible!When reading a novel, turn off your brain and forget that this is Naruto's world. This is no longer the world of Naruto, but the Chinese world of shinobi. LMFAO You laugh now but you'll know our suffering when you read the only claim japan have on shinobes is the name shinobe. thats about it. and maybe shadow magic in fiction, but that last ones an unverifyable claim. Another naruto fanfic... Tbh, i would be thrilled if i will have the chance to transmigrate in the naruto world with a system... But i wont have any fun reading fanfic of this world... Why? Cuz authors rarely change the events of the world... Because they wont know how to continue if they change it.. you should try " Behind the Scenes in Naruto World " Oh !! Was truly a master piece before the one piece world. fr, mc doesn't give a f*ck about canon at all🤣 It doesnt happen in this novel. The starting point is during hashirama era so by the time naruto era arrive it'll become a completly different plot, with its own original story. Grandpa ninja.