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It was a hasty, arranged marriage. And on their wedding night, he ran away. He... Read more It was a hasty, arranged marriage.And on their wedding night, he ran away.He lived for ten years under a false name, becoming one of the 7 Great Masters of the Continent, but returned home when he heard news of his father’s passing.There, he found his wife, whom he thought had already left, whom he had only seen once before.She was still as beautiful as the first time he saw her. Collapse Arranged Marriage, Beautiful Female Lead, Clumsy Love Interests, Couple Growth, Devoted Love Interests, Forced Marriage, Handsome Male Lead, Hiding True Identity, Lovers Reunited, Male Protagonist, Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Misunderstandings, Multiple Identities, Multiple POV, Nobles, Older Love Interests, Overpowered Protagonist, Slow Romance, Sword And Magic, Sword Wielder I tried reading this but I couldn't make it to chapter 5 due to the sheer disgust I have toward how flat and boring the characters are from the jump. Not even mentioning that I can tell that the overall premise is the cliche and f#cking stupid 'misunderstanding' trope. If you want to waste your time on some insufferable writing based around a misunderstanding that could be cleared up in a single conversation, go ahead. This book is just right for something like that just from what I have tried reading. Damn... after reading the synops, my first thought was that the dude deserves to come back finding out that his wife was pregnant from his own father. Too slow i even checked a few ch on MTL but they still haven't made up. Would've loved this if only the misunderstanding was cleared , ah well forget about misunderstanding atleast let them open up to each other, they are goddamn adults and husband/wife at that. Ch 88.SpoilerMC leave for war at ch80something and broke up with FMC before leaving cause u know he might die in war and then well after few days FMC follow behind him to warzone.Well i just skim through so i may miss something.Maybe I'll read it later but I don't want to wait for more than 100ch just so they could kiss, well for now.Oh yeah even at 80ch they still same awkward conversation. There are 88 chapters on the mlt site. Honesty speaking ....the story is fully filled with misunderstanding and wrong beleif. Also the FL is actually just dumb or I could say that something is wrong with her.(I can't pinpoint it out but she is mentally and emotionally unstable).She is like a traditional women of old times , where when family picks out her husband. She fully accepts it and make it her life's mission to complete it even if she suffers the injustice and loneliness.Still as a Romance novel , the book is good but still genric and slow paced at best.3.5/5Also Quote: EtherGay MCAnyone who ran from their first wedding night is GAYDon't talk shit about novel when u never read anything about it ..I mean like just give a normal review and f#ck off , will ya?? Reading your comments, it's easy to discern that u never read the novel Thats because she is unrealistic 2d character. Author made her from a mold and she doesnt have any realness apart from her role thats need for the plot. Humans are complex and it takes skill a character to life with just words but here author failed to do so.It's like when video game characters try to look real but end up being creepy"uncanny valley", and I get that same weird feeling. If her character was too unrealsitc then it'd feel cartoony and 1D so we can laugh about it and move on but author put real effort so its got an upgrade but not enough so its just end up like this. De acuerdo con los señores de abajo.. Gay MCAnyone who ran from their first wedding night is GAY Agreed 💯 Or they didn't want to be stick in a loveless relationship and has a conscience to not potentially leave someone pregnant and having to take care of there child potentially with no support what that squirtle guy said may have made some senses but i agree Bruh that's not squirtle. That Pokemon is Mudkip I know im wrong but ur wrong Huh? i am wrong? Where? You're wrong in that you corrected him, he intended to be correctly incorrect Oh i see not impotent?