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14 days ago
Waking up adrift in an ancient battleground, Alex is left dazed and confused with no clue how she... Read more Waking up adrift in an ancient battleground, Alex is left dazed and confused with no clue how she ended up trapped aboard a failing vessel. With only a mysterious voice in her head to guide her she must act in order to survive.Every piece of the puzzle she collects only leads to more questions about her origins and why she is trapped around a deserted star.All she knows is that she could die at any minute.But she is not going to go down without a fight.Follow Alex on her adventure as she upgrades her ship, forges new friendships, encounters new enemies, and does her best to balance her humanity with her growing abilities.Space may be a vacuum… but death still lurks around every star.***Regular schedule: Every other day, around 8-9pm EST.Writathon schedule: YES! Collapse Arms Dealers, Army Building, Cyberpunk, Engineer, Female Protagonist, Fleet Battles, Futuristic Setting, Industrialization, Mercenaries, Military, Outer Space, Strategic Battles, Technological Gap, Wars Book 3 Ruined The Novel Talk About Being Disappointed it's good, but I dropped it because the name doesn't match and doesn't sound cool in my native language (I think I read up to book 3),Rank B Although book 1 and book 2 are good, book 3 is lacluster plot wise.. author basically hit reset and MC was neutered into being nothing more than helpless little baby. Definately worth the read for book 1 & 2, wont recommend book 3 though. Author went too heavy with his scalpel and basically neutered his story/mc. There is room for turnaround but its been a dull read and buildup is slow if non existent Lovely hard science fiction 🤩 Holy shit this ticks all my boxes I just hope it is as good as I think it is. This Is A Gem From Scribble Hub I Don't Wanna Spoil Anything...Read It Ok now I'm like super excited It Very Good .....You Even Get Spoiler Arts On How Everyone Looks Like On Scribble Hub...I Don't Think Ranobes Allow That Feature