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4 months ago
After being reincarnated as a busty fox-like race in a fantasy world filled with magic and... Read more After being reincarnated as a busty fox-like race in a fantasy world filled with magic and mysteries Alysara finds herself blinded after getting a cursed skill. Now she must train her ability to sense the mana around her and discover what mana and magic really is to see. There is no smut in this story and the MC is not a futa.IMPORTANT: Chapters are currently being updated now that I have improved as a writer if you see a drop in quality or change that does follow earlier chapters it is because they might not have been updated yet. Collapse Age Progression, Beautiful Female Lead, Blind Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Child Protagonist, Conditional Power, Crafting, Cute Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Dungeons, Fairies, Fantasy World, Fast Learner, Female Protagonist, Futanari, Game Elements, Genius Protagonist, Heterochromia, Humanoid Protagonist, Language Barrier, Magic, Protagonist with Multiple Bodies, Reincarnation, Selfless Protagonist, LitRPG It’s a pretty fun read. She doesn’t become instantly OP, everything flows quite well, and in general it is enjoyable and calming.As a note for those who are dissuaded by the Futa tag: it’s technically futa, but in reality it’s more just that the entire species have enlarged breast sizes, including the men. Average human males have objectively flat breasts, considering it’s just the muscles there, but Runalymo men just have extra medium boobs. Treat it as if they’re not there and nothing changes.Edit: As of Chapter 118, since it's on RoyalRoad, imma go there to read and comment to support the author. Will still be on ranobes for other novels that I can't read without paying for, or for novels that have been stubbed, but if it's on a free site I want to be able to support the author through the ad revenue and all that. top tier character growth and world building, this story legit made me love the characters although some parts of the novel get boring powering through them and getting past the information dumping arcs makes the whole novel so much better i really love how much thought is put into the world and power system honestly im shook and impressed the author created this Dropped it (CH.7), as the MC is already too op for me, and it is just no fun to read further. There is just no real struggling, as much as I can see it, even though the MC is a baby right now. But when I read that he already got some insane op artifact, I was insanely bored with how his future would be. I really don't like "OP MC," and this just screams it (The same is for blessings and that the goddess is basically looking over him). The best part of this is the Magic system, It's pretty intricate and well built, the world building is great too, It's not one of those novels that have a system just because, it builds everything into a coherent whole. I agree the system in this is innovative enough to improve any novel with a mediocre plot and world building to a really good one, gladly this one is above average in those fields maybe i dont enjoy so much the MC until now but that is just nit picking.The system get a little out of hand with the wall of messages at some point and that can break your focus in the story a price for consitency that is questionable if it is needed to be paid.Overall, is good shit go for it Quote: CorpseСпасибо за разъяснениеde nada Is that yuri Bom de certa forma parece um yuri, mas você deve lembrar que o corpos dos machos mudaram para poder combater a fome na tribo usando o leite que eles tinham nos seios, isso os transformou em hermafroditas There is no smut in this story and the MC is not a futa.EVENTSAge Progression, Beautiful Female Lead, Blind Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Child Protagonist, Conditional Power, Crafting, Cute Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Dungeons, Fairies, Fantasy World, Fast Learner, Female Protagonist, Futanari, Game Elements, Genius Protagonist, Heterochromia, Humanoid Protagonist, Language Barrier, Magic, Protagonist with Multiple Bodies, Reincarnation, Selfless Protagonist, LitRPG...Я чувствую, что меня где-то обманывают.... Essa história ficaria melhor se tivesse obscenidade como na aldeia do novel " mundo de um pervertido ", ficaria bem mais interessante, e ele poderia deixar a protagonista um pouco tímida mais liberal e fazer um sistema de nivelamento mais simples, com linhagem e afinidades elementais para aumentar e diminuir à o adquirimento de habilidades tanto normais como mágicas , por exemplo: para ganhar a habilidade esgrima básica eu devo brandir minha espada 100 vezes sem parar na postura certa,se alguém quer se um mago precisa treinar sentido de mana e manipulação de mana ao máximo possível, e nível das habilidades até há evolução é 10 , se quer botar dificuldades no protagonista faça com que ela tenha uma grande quantidade de mana, mas nenhuma afinidade elemental gerando uma classe única corporal e uma subclasse artesão e as evoluções deveriam tera missões garantir que você é digno e por fim faça uma evolução onde os seios dela tenha leite mágico, por favor So basically, MC's species has no males, just futas and women(reason in novel). But as stated, MC herself is not a futa. Bom teoricamente tem machos, mas por causa das habilidades raciais eles se tornaram hermafroditas, puxa esse cenário faz com que uma cena obscenas deve acontecer, principalmente se tratando de furry, você não acha? Спасибо за разъяснение Olá, gostaria de dar minha opinião sobre essa história, eu gostei muito da vida que a protagonista levar, suas conquistas, realizações e habilidades. Minha única decepção foi a falta de obscenidade e o modo de nivelamento, as raças e o cenário da aldeia faz com que você deseje muito que uma cena de obscenidade aconteça, principalmente pelo fato de que a maioria deles possuem grende seios que produzem leite e são hermafroditas, agora a questão do nivelamento são os níveis altos das habilidades e o limite de habilidade gerais, eles são um pouco complicado de entender por causa dos avanços e descoberta. Eu só queria sugerir ao autor que fizesse uma outra versão desse novel só que com obscenidade e com outra forma de nivelamento, como exemplo tente colocar rank nas habilidade quando evoluirem e aumente as dificuldades de obtê-las, e a evolução procure colocar uma como aquela que seios dela teriam leite de cura e mais uma vez essa é minha opinião desculpe me se estou sendo chato, você pode se basear no novel ,mundo de um pervertido. Eu gostaria muito se você pudesse me responder e fazer essa versão. Kinda generic western type novel if you read plenty enough, MC father is she which i always mistake as heSoo kinda safe to read There is no smut in this story and the MC is not a futa.Why!!!😭😭 tem futa na tag BRO You rejoice early Unfortunately for you, not all stories in the world of magic will have a smut and the Protagonist futа.